Located near Gary, SD

Monday, December 29, 2008

The holiday season is truly special when families reconnect and are able to bond; remembering the past, catching up with the present, and speculating as to what the future may hold. It's amazing to watch these "former kids" grow through their various stages of life, eloquently handling the "ups" as well as the "downs." All of Rudy and Vera's children, grandchildren and great grandchildren were able to attend the Meyer Christmas this year so a momentous occasion it was. I'm so blessed to be a member of this family.
Hey, Brandon -- The photo looks better with Nicki in it!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Storming outside so I can't finish shopping. Thought I'd post a few images I ran across.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Basketball season has started - Hurray!! It's fun to watch the Lancers face their challenges and triumphs. We are thankful for great coaches, the social interaction with the other parents, and look forward to a memorable season. Delon, you make a great announcer!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Where did summer go? I'm back to school full-time starting tomorrow so thought I'd better post a few of the seniors from this summer. It's been a busy time full of fun, adventure and creativity and part of me has a hard time cutting back, but I'm looking forward to the challenges of my new teaching position.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Just finished Bryon's last year of Gary baseball. It's been a fun ride!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Randy with his Uncle "Clem"

Liz and Mild posing in front of the Collegiate Mountains

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

South Park, Colorado. Inspiration for the show? Yes, according to Bryon.

Elizabeth bought some world famous fudge at the Jefferson Market.
They sold over 100 pounds just last weekend.

#1 customer at the Jefferson Market.

Randy with his Colorado cousin, Gary.
Enjoyed a mountain meal with the Colorado Meyers.

South Park, CO.

Prerafting jitters as we nervously prepare for our voyage.

WHAT A RUSH!!! White water rafting in Colorado was a thrilling experience.
This wasn't a vacation - this was an adventure!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Meyer Bonding

Enjoyed an informative visit and tour of Carlos Creek Winery. Didn't realize that the barrels themselves were so costly. I'd recommend this experience to anyone interested in the process of making wine.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Graduation brings a mix of emotions - pride, sadness in reflecting the years lost forever, excitement, anticipation as well as apprehension of what the future may bring. We are very grateful for family, great teachers, advisors, coaches and other concerned parents and friends that have helped us in guiding our children toward adulthood. We are truly blessed.